World Radio

Select A Station

  • Select a country from the “Country Selection” drop-down of the radio panel.
  • A list of internet broadcast stations from the selected country will be displayed.
  • Hover over the number in the list with your mouse to display the station’s description tag in a tooltip.
  • Select and click the station name display in the list to display the station name in the radio panel and hear the broadcast. (It may take some time to hear the broadcast depending on the connection conditions.)
  • If the station has an icon, it will be displayed on the left side of the radio panel.
  • If the station has a homepage, the icon will be a link to it.
  • “Country Name”, “List Number”, and “Codec” are displayed in small letters in the bottom left of the radio panel.(For “Other Countries”, there will be a “#” at the beginning.)
  • If the station has a description tag, it will be displayed after the codec.


  • If you mark the checkbox to the left of a radio station list, that station will be preset in the “Preset” drop-down.
  • You can then select that station directly from this drop-down to listen to it.
  • If you unmark the checkbox, it will be removed from the drop-down list.
  • You can preset this drop-down regardless of the station’s country.
  • If you preset your favorite foreign broadcasts here, you can listen to them without having to select the country again.
  • There can be a maximum of 99 presets.
  • Note: Presets will not be saved if the cookie function of your browser is disabled.


  1. Enter your search text and hit “Return” or “Enter”.
  2. Only stations in the currently selected country that contain your search text in their station name or description tag will be displayed.
  3. Reloading the page or hitting “Return” or “Enter” without search text will cancel the search.

This service is organized based on the database of “”.