Play-Along Screen

You can play this instrument app while playing songs from your music library in the player on this screen.
It can be used just like a regular music player, but it has some extra features that are useful for play-alongs.

Loading A Song

To load a song into the player, tap "Music..." in the top center.

The iPod navigation screen will be displayed and you can select a song.
Note: You may be asked to confirm the first time you access your music library from this app.
Once a song has been selected and loaded, the player's controllers will be enabled.

The song duration is displayed in seconds.
Additionally, a play-pause button appears to the left of the Menu switch on the Main Screen; which is explained in the Main Screen Player Controls section.


To eject songs from the player, tap "Eject" in the top right. A confirmation dialog will appear, so tap "OK" to execute.
Once the songs have been ejected and the player is empty, the controller will be disabled and the play-pause button on the main screen will disappear.

Playback Control

Once the song is loaded the player becomes operational.

Volume Slider You can adjust the volume of the player without affecting the volume settings of your device.
Channel Selector Select the channel that is convenient for play-along (usually "L&R").
  Toggles between play and pause.
Tip: Press and hold to play the song from the marked time.
Stop and return to the beginning. (Even if playback is completed, it will automatically return to the beginning and stop.)

Time Control

The current playback time and the marked time are displayed to the left of the song duration display.

Time Slider The position of the time slider indicates the percentage of the current playback position. You can change the playback position by dragging the slider.
While you are dragging the slider, only the playback time display will indicate the dragged position. The actual playback position will change when you release the drag.
Marks the playback time at the point when you tap. The marked time is displayed above the button in seconds (default is 0 seconds).
Plays the song from the marked time.

Main Screen Playback Controls

Once a song is loaded into the player, a play/pause button will appear to the left of the menu switch on the main screen.
This button functions exactly the same as the play-pause button on the Play-Along screen.
Tapping will toggle between play and pause, while pressing and holding will play the song from the marked time.