MIDI Panel

This app supports MIDI input function so that it can be used from external devices such as MIDI keyboards.
The MIDI panel allows you to connect to MIDI devices, select MIDI channels, set and change other MIDI-related functions, and easily check MIDI data.
To close a panel, tap the Done button below panel or swipe right on that panel.
This chapter contains the following sections:

MIDI Devices

The MIDI Devices section shows all MIDI devices found by the app.

Select whether or not to connect with the switch on the right.
MIDI status is displayed on the MIDI indicator located at the bottom left of the switch section on the main screen.

MIDI IndicatorFound DevicesConnection
None None
Have None
Have Have

MIDI Settings

This app can receive the following channel messages.

Note 12~120 Receive note-on and note-off to control sound.
Control 1 0~127 Controls the modulation.
11 0~127 Controls the expression.
Pitch Bend 0~64 Controls the pitch down to one octave.
64~127 Controls the pitch up to one octave.

For messages with channel selection, it works as follows depending on the setting.

Omni Receive messages from all channels.
1~16 Receives only messages on numerically indicated channels.
- Not receive messages.

In the MIDI settings section you can set:

Note Channel

Use the stepper on the right to select a channel to receive note messages.

Note Split

Note messages usually sound the B drawbars tone, but you can make it of the split note or above to the B drawbars tone and less than the split note to the A# drawbars tone with the split function.
So, you can assign separate drawbar tones to the right and left parts of an external keyboard connected via MIDI, making it possible to perform as if you were using a double manual keyboard.

Note Split Switch the split function on and off with the switch on the right.
Split Note Specify the note name (default F3) to be split with the right stepper.
Pitch Bend Channel

The stepper on the right allows you to select which channel receives pitch bend messages.

Expression Channel

The stapper on the right allows you to select which channel receives Expression Control messages.

Modulation Channel

The stepper on the right lets you select which channel receives modulation control messages.

Modulation function

Modulation control messages control the rotor effect.
You can choose this behavior with the selector on the right.

Rotor SW. Use the modulation wheel as a rotor switch.
96~127 Slow
33~95 Stop
0~32 Fast
Rotor CTRL. 0~127 Use the modulation wheel as a rotor speed controller.


If an accident specific to MIDI makes sound control impossible, you can mute all sounds and reset the MIDI status by tapping the "Clear" at the bottom left of the panel.

MIDI Checker

You can check the content of MIDI information sent to the app in real time with the "MIDI checker" at the bottom of the panel.

MIDI Message Message type/name
Channel Channel Number 1~16
BYTE-1 Note Number 0~127
Control Number 0~127
BYTE-2 Control Data 0~127